The Steel Innovation Cluster is composed by a consortium that covers the whole steel value chain, including large companies, SMEs and entities providing knowledge and technology.
The Cluster has been constituted as a non-profit entrepreneurship association, created on September 9th, 2015 by 11 Founding Members (ArcelorMittal España S.A, IDESA Innovation S.L., Duro Felguera S.A, Grupo Daniel Alonso S.L, Hierros y Aplanaciones S.A., Mivisa Envases S.A.U, Construcciones García Rama S.L., Tuinsa Norte S.A., Talleres Alegría S.A, Astilleros Gondán S.A and Fundación ITMA) and regulated in accordance with Organic Law 1/2002, March 22nd, regulating the Association Rights.
The association has currently 20 members, 18 of them are companies related to industry or service providers, involved in different phases within the steel value chain, that together with the leading company, ArcelorMittal, and the knowledge and technology providers, Fundación Idonial and University of Oviedo, create the partnership for collaboration.
A list with a brief description of the partners´ main characteristics is shown below: